Failure is Always an Option

August 6, 2012

“If you couldn’t fail, what would you do?” was a recent question presented to me. I do admit lots of things crossed my mind, like starting a new business, or participate in various ventures. Yet, after giving it some serious thought, I had more questions than answers. This simple question made me think about failure and success and how we could not have one without the other.

I eventually formulated the answer, “I would take more risks, and increase my likelihood of failure!”

After seriously considering this question, I realized that failure is always an option. If there is no possibility of failure, then how would I gauge my successes? How much did I achieve, or how risky were the milestones that I passed on my road to success.

It’s like traveling from one end of the country to the other. Unless you understand the concept of distance, and know how far a mile or kilometer is, you can not easily describe the distance you traveled. Failures never realized are like those mile markers. They mark the distance you have traveled on your road to success. But unless you see them, you will not know how far you have traveled.

Many people set goals for success, yet subconsciously assume they will fail. They sabotage their own plans from within by not doing enough planning or making too many assumptions. As a result, they continue to fail, which subconsciously is a success to them as that is what they assumed would happen.

Therefore, if you find yourself in a situation where you always succeeded, then it is safe to say that you have set your goals too low. You are taking the safe road in everything you do. You are choosing to settle for small successes all the time.

However, the type of success that most people dream about can only be achieved by taking on the realization of possible failure; Failure on a grand scale.

A simple example of this would be a marathon. If my goal is to complete the marathon regardless of where I place, I can come in dead last and still succeed. If I want to improve my placement, I need to set a goal that will set me up for failure, such as first place. If I come in second, have I failed?

Not Really. I failed at coming in first, but I succeed in my goal of improving my position from last place.

The same holds true in other areas of your life including business. If you only perform business that is safe, with very little or no risk, then it is likely you will finish dead last in everything you do, but safe in the knowledge that you finished the proverbial marathon.

If however, you truly desire to set higher goals, then failure is an option that you must address and by doing so you can minimize the adverse affects of any failures encountered.

The possibility of failure is a great motivator, and is often the driving force for success. There are many successful people in the world. As outsiders we look at their successes and think that if we could always succeed as they do, there would be no stopping us. But the truth is we are only looking at those individuals’ successes, not at the countless failures they have endured to get where they are today.

To paraphrase an old adage, the road to success is paved with failure. It is what we do with those failures that determine our true nature. We can learn from our past failures, and use the information gained to guide us to future successes, or we can ignore them and consider the time and effort wasted and continue to chase that thing called success.

You can not have success without the possibility of failure. They go hand in hand.

Success is never guaranteed, but if you minimize risk by setting your goals to low, you may never know great success.

Self Esteem and Determination

August 2, 2012

It seems many people are looking for the quick and easy road to self-improvement. These same people have the idea that self-help is something that can be purchased in a book or by a 12 step program, but the truth is self-help starts with self respect and the ability to love your self.

I’m not saying that self-help books and programs possess no value, quite the contrary; many of the books are very well written. However, self-help books are not magic and they do not grant you instant self-esteem. You must make a commitment to yourself to have self esteem and you must truly want to improve.

I have read many self improvement books and use them as motivation. They help me focus my thoughts on my goals. Many of the concepts presented in these books help me refine my goals and establish a sharper focus on what I want and where I am going.

If you have low self-esteem it is not possible to improve the view you have of yourself or your abilities until you cultivate a positive image. Once you accomplish this, you will have started the process of self-improvement.

You need to begin with a positive mental attitude as well as a set of standards that you aim to achieve as the primary goals in your life. It must also be understood that your ability to achieve your goals depends directly on the strength of your commitment to the process.

The most important test of your commitment to your goals it when you fail. If you believe in yourself, it will be your determination in reaching those goals that will measure your success. If you are without conviction or belief in yourself, then your goals may never be reached.

Most people that seek self-improvement have already achieved the first step of the process without realizing it. They understand they are dissatisfied with their present standards, status and goals and want to aim higher and achieve more out of life. If you are not motivated to demand more or aim higher, then you have decided to accept your present situation. Everyone needs to have something to strive for, something to achieve, they must be driven to reach a higher goal.

It is important to realize that goals are future events that are used to push yourself to achieve higher standards. Instead of wasting life’s energy thinking about regrets, fear and worry and how life is not fair, train your thoughts on future events such as your goals and what you must do to achieve those goals.

In the past I have had my share of set backs and failures, and at times the future seemed bleak. But I have always had a positive attitude and confidence in my skills and abilities to persevere. I knew I could face anything life could throw at me due to the positive power of my mind.

As Daniel Burnham wrote, “Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will themselves not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die.”

It is Burnham’s words that have inspired me to continue on regardless of what life sends my way. If I fail, it is not because I have low self-esteem, it’s because I did not plan sufficiently or I was not fully committed to succeed. I will simply pick myself back up, refine my plan and re-evaluate my commitments.

I know first hand that if you are motivated to achieve, you will succeed. But it all starts with you.

If you want to learn then you must seek out knowledge and use it.

  • If you want to lead others then you must start the journey and lead by example.
  • If you want to emulate others’ success then you must be willing to listen to those with experience.
  • If you wish to achieve then you must never be too proud to accept other people’s ideas or help.

You must never wavier from a firm commitment to your principles, and never accept defeat. Self-esteem and determination are within you, you simply need to cultivate it, and look to the future.