Self Esteem and Determination

August 2, 2012

It seems many people are looking for the quick and easy road to self-improvement. These same people have the idea that self-help is something that can be purchased in a book or by a 12 step program, but the truth is self-help starts with self respect and the ability to love your self.

I’m not saying that self-help books and programs possess no value, quite the contrary; many of the books are very well written. However, self-help books are not magic and they do not grant you instant self-esteem. You must make a commitment to yourself to have self esteem and you must truly want to improve.

I have read many self improvement books and use them as motivation. They help me focus my thoughts on my goals. Many of the concepts presented in these books help me refine my goals and establish a sharper focus on what I want and where I am going.

If you have low self-esteem it is not possible to improve the view you have of yourself or your abilities until you cultivate a positive image. Once you accomplish this, you will have started the process of self-improvement.

You need to begin with a positive mental attitude as well as a set of standards that you aim to achieve as the primary goals in your life. It must also be understood that your ability to achieve your goals depends directly on the strength of your commitment to the process.

The most important test of your commitment to your goals it when you fail. If you believe in yourself, it will be your determination in reaching those goals that will measure your success. If you are without conviction or belief in yourself, then your goals may never be reached.

Most people that seek self-improvement have already achieved the first step of the process without realizing it. They understand they are dissatisfied with their present standards, status and goals and want to aim higher and achieve more out of life. If you are not motivated to demand more or aim higher, then you have decided to accept your present situation. Everyone needs to have something to strive for, something to achieve, they must be driven to reach a higher goal.

It is important to realize that goals are future events that are used to push yourself to achieve higher standards. Instead of wasting life’s energy thinking about regrets, fear and worry and how life is not fair, train your thoughts on future events such as your goals and what you must do to achieve those goals.

In the past I have had my share of set backs and failures, and at times the future seemed bleak. But I have always had a positive attitude and confidence in my skills and abilities to persevere. I knew I could face anything life could throw at me due to the positive power of my mind.

As Daniel Burnham wrote, “Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will themselves not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die.”

It is Burnham’s words that have inspired me to continue on regardless of what life sends my way. If I fail, it is not because I have low self-esteem, it’s because I did not plan sufficiently or I was not fully committed to succeed. I will simply pick myself back up, refine my plan and re-evaluate my commitments.

I know first hand that if you are motivated to achieve, you will succeed. But it all starts with you.

If you want to learn then you must seek out knowledge and use it.

  • If you want to lead others then you must start the journey and lead by example.
  • If you want to emulate others’ success then you must be willing to listen to those with experience.
  • If you wish to achieve then you must never be too proud to accept other people’s ideas or help.

You must never wavier from a firm commitment to your principles, and never accept defeat. Self-esteem and determination are within you, you simply need to cultivate it, and look to the future.

The Importance of Spelling

March 29, 2010

You may have seen this statement on the Internet, claiming that a study by Cambridge University proves that spelling is not that important, and that as long as the first and last letter of a work are correct, we can still read this statement, because our brains process the whole word rather than the individual letters.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

You may be amazed that you are able to read the above paragraph, but the thing most people over looking is thatthey can spell in the first place. Today’s children are becoming less knowledgeable in reading and spelling, because of examples such as this.

If you compare the percentage rate to the number of people that are lousy at spelling, you will see that 45% of people are poor spellers and therefore do not have proper basis for deciphering the correct spellings.

The reason people are able to read the above statement is simple. They have a basis of the correct spelling as well as a correct understanding of grammar, which allows them to decipher the meaning of the words using context and visual closure as the determining factor.

If you were to give this little reading assignment to a first, second, or even a third grader to read, they would be come frustrated and unable to read the passage. They simply would not be able to figure out what the words based on the first and last letters and then unscramble the letters in between, because they do not posses the word knowledge.

No one can be a good reader or speller without a good command of phonics, syllabication and its application. For example, try pronouncing these words, “eihhbbppeooa” or “Cilgnnhlaeg”. Since they are not used in a sentence you have no context as to what the words could be, even though the first and last letters are intact. If you are confused imagine someone that cannot spell, and does not posses a good command of phonics, and syllabication to be able to sound these words out.

In order for schools to meet the needs of all students, teachers must develop a good sight vocabulary in their students, as well as a good understanding of phonics and syllabication. Correct spelling is essential when learning to read. By breaking a word down to its base sounds we are able to learn new words. We use rules for pronunciation of a word. If the word does not follow the rules you can not pronounce it.

Even a word processor uses a set of rules to identify words that do not follow the rules, and then present possible spelling alternatives based on the rules of spelling and the context.

And finally, if you are wondering the two words are “Ephebophobia” which is the fear of youth or adolescents and the word “Challenging” which is what reading is to those that do not have proper vocabulary, or understanding of phonics and syllabication.